Thursday, November 30, 2006

You Must Be A Writer

1. You must be a writer if, even when you've been procrastinating about opening it up, you are compelled to race to your WIP the moment a wisp of a good idea comes floating within the grasp of your conscious mind.

2. You must be a writer if there's a path worn in your house from the place you write to the place that serves up the caffeine or, alternately, caffeine-free beverages to which you are, nonetheless, addicted. (It's actually not about the beverage - it's your brain yelling at your sleeping ass to return some of the blood flow and feed it a little more oxygen...)

3. You must be a writer if, when you're on a hot streak and you see your ____ (spouse, neighbor, kids, dog, mother-in-law....fill in the blank) coming, you have an overwhelming desire to be able to turn invisible so you can keep working without interruption.

4. You must be a writer if you wish you never had to stop to 1) eat, 2) sleep, 3) go to the bathroom, or 4) go to w*rk. Such petty considerations should not be allowed to keep you from your magnum opus.

5. You must be a writer if, when you step outside after working very intently on your writing for a few days or weeks, you discover it's a different season than the last time you noticed*. (Not dissimilar from the situation where you've driven yourself home from someplace on mental auto-pilot, without having any recall of the details of the trip...but lots of details about what's going on in the WIP.)

Got any more??? {g}

* Michigan writers may not even notice this phenomenon, however, since the seasons seem to change much more frequently than they're supposed to. Seasonally, our year goes a bit like this (starting in January): Winter, Winter, Winter, Spring, Winter, Winter, Summer, Spring, Summer, Fall, Summer, Summer, Summer, Winter, Summer, Fall, Winter, Winter, Fall, Winter, Winter. {g}


Unknown said...

HeeHee! Yep. All 5 are applicable to me. *g*

Renée (R.E.) Chambliss said...

You must be a writer if whenever you meet an unusual person, you think about what a great character they would make!

Mrs. Mitty said...

Yes! Another good one, Renee! {g} I've got a few of those up my sleeve for future works.

Cindy said...

Loved the thing about the seasons, ROFL!

Susan Adrian said...

Oh, those seasons are right on for Montana too! Except maybe a few more winters. {g}

Mrs. Mitty said...

Susan, that doesn't surprise me somehow...I think we mostly get your weather about a week after you're done with it. {g}

Mrs. Mitty said...
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