Sunday, October 08, 2006

Inciting Incidents

I love those words: Inciting Incident.

They even sound important and suspense-filled and exciting, don't they? I almost hear the dum-de-dum-dum of the Dragnet theme when I read those words... (Okay, so I'm weird; what's new?) {g}

What is it that starts the conflagration that your story is about to become?

In my 1860s western/romantic-suspense, the Inciting Incident is when two strange men, individually, arrive in a small town right around the time that one of the townswomen disappears. (Unbeknownst to the townsfolk, one is a serial killer, the other, the undercover agent on his trail.)

In my fantasy, the Inciting Incident is the finding of an ancient scroll by a teenage boy who is destined for Big Things, though he doesn't know it.

What are your inciting incidents?

* * *

Yesterday's Big Accomplishment:
Bought a laser printer so I can print out the files for the western. Yay!
(Wound up with an energy-sipping HP 1022n xi).

Today's Target:
Get the western printed out & start finding holes and patching.
Continue work on recasting conversation with Brakkus and Sareen.
Update Blogs.

On the Percolator:
Nothing much percolating today.

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