Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Brain Drain

I think the heading about says it all.

I've spent the last three evenings printing out what seems like thousands but is actually only a few dozen files that comprise my western/romantic-suspense story. The files are in varying sizes, ranging from 1/3 to 73 pages.

I can definitely say I have the major bones of a first draft here (SFD for sure, but still...) I have a few blank spots in the storyline that need to be filled before the official pasting-together phase begins though. What I did tonight was to sort the chunks into where (Act I, Act II, or Act III) they will fall in the story, and where within the Acts. And then I listed them in a spreadsheet in that order. Finally, some organization on paper! {g}

Also, I sorted all my non-story material, separating "research" from "craft" from "characterization" from "story bible" from "outline" (of which, somehow, I wound up with four). I do outline entries after I write the scene, not before. Little backward, yep, that's me. {g}

Anyway, my brain is in sleep mode now, so I'm to bed.

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