Thursday, November 30, 2006

You Must Be A Writer

1. You must be a writer if, even when you've been procrastinating about opening it up, you are compelled to race to your WIP the moment a wisp of a good idea comes floating within the grasp of your conscious mind.

2. You must be a writer if there's a path worn in your house from the place you write to the place that serves up the caffeine or, alternately, caffeine-free beverages to which you are, nonetheless, addicted. (It's actually not about the beverage - it's your brain yelling at your sleeping ass to return some of the blood flow and feed it a little more oxygen...)

3. You must be a writer if, when you're on a hot streak and you see your ____ (spouse, neighbor, kids, dog, mother-in-law....fill in the blank) coming, you have an overwhelming desire to be able to turn invisible so you can keep working without interruption.

4. You must be a writer if you wish you never had to stop to 1) eat, 2) sleep, 3) go to the bathroom, or 4) go to w*rk. Such petty considerations should not be allowed to keep you from your magnum opus.

5. You must be a writer if, when you step outside after working very intently on your writing for a few days or weeks, you discover it's a different season than the last time you noticed*. (Not dissimilar from the situation where you've driven yourself home from someplace on mental auto-pilot, without having any recall of the details of the trip...but lots of details about what's going on in the WIP.)

Got any more??? {g}

* Michigan writers may not even notice this phenomenon, however, since the seasons seem to change much more frequently than they're supposed to. Seasonally, our year goes a bit like this (starting in January): Winter, Winter, Winter, Spring, Winter, Winter, Summer, Spring, Summer, Fall, Summer, Summer, Summer, Winter, Summer, Fall, Winter, Winter, Fall, Winter, Winter. {g}

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Christmas Tag!

Hey, I'm it! {g}

Sara Walker Howe tagged me, so here's my turn:

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Egg Nog! It was the first "recipe" I ever learned. My four siblings and I shared a kiddy cookbook growing up and we all learned how to make egg nog from that. :-)

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? Wraps till his fingers fall off or he runs out of wrapping paper and Sunday funnies, whichever comes first.

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored, always. Some years we use the little micro lights and others the traditional larger ones, but always multi-colored.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? Sometimes, only depending upon whether or not it catches my eye at the store. :)

5. When do you put your decorations up? Used to be December 18th (day after my birthday, so that didn't get lost in the holiday shuffle), but now that I don't get *quite* as excited about birthdays...any time after December first and before the 20th. (If we started before the first, we'd feel like we were dancing on the grave of the Thanksgiving turkey. ;))

6. What is your favorite holiday dish? My friend Fran's cannoli!!! die for! She only makes them at Christmas and won't give anybody her family recipe! But she always shares.

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: Just one? Well, there are lots, but.... The anticipation! Early Christmas morning, my three sisters, brother and I, all in our jammies, robes and slippers, gathered and sat down on the top flight of stairs, just below our parents bedroom. We whispered and wondered what we were going to get this year, as we waited for Mom and Dad to wake up and give us the go-ahead to dash down and get our stockings - and look at the presents under the tree. (We only got to open stockings before Mass. Regular gifts were after.) The stockings always held the following: One little box of cereal from a Snack-Pak , one orange, and several little chocolates. I'm sure there were some other little doo-dads in there too, but those are the ones that stick in my mind as "always". Ours was mainly a Cheerios, Wheaties, and Oatmeal house, so Snack-Paks and sweetened cereals were Quite the Big Deal, and rarely seen but at Christmas.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? First grade - gossip around the drinking fountain at school. I can't say I was shocked - I did have three older siblings, so I may have gotten a clue from them - but I do remember feeling rather deflated about the whole thing. I mean, I *liked* Santa. (Still do. ;))

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Yes. We're blessed with an abundance of family nearby, so we celebrate Christmas three times: Once with husband's family (Christmas Eve), once with our little family at home (Christmas morning), and once with my mom and sibs and their offspring (Christmas afternoon).

10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? Mostly homemade and homey things. Ornaments our kids made when they were little. Little felt Irish misses mom brought back from Ireland, a needlepoint(?) reindeer that holds a piece of candy in its mouth, nesting birds, some little corn husk ladies, antique carolers, a little Hallmark penguin that we all love for no reason other than its cuteness. And colored glass ball ornaments for their shine. :) We start with colored lights, then add garlands of popcorn and cranberry, and then garlands of other edibles (red licorice bits, marshmallows, Cheez-Its, raisins, Fruit Loops...whatever can be gotten on a thread). And then we put the ornaments on. When the tree goes, after Christmas time, the garlands come off and get draped around the bare bushes out in the front yard for birds and squirrels to pick at. :)

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? I live in Michigan. I *must* love it. Actually, I do. Just not so much after the middle of March. :>

12. Can you ice skate? Yes, and not half bad, as I recall. It's been a while, but I think I will put that on my to-do list for this winter, along with trying out those snowshoes DH gave me three years ago. LOL

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Absolutely! It was Thomasina (the name I gave her, after the movie). My Thomasina was a purple Siamese cat about three feet tall who sat up very straight and regal-looking. She was the ONLY thing I wanted from the moment I laid eyes on her. She had "green ruby eyes" and a long tail you could wrap around her and tuck in between her front and back legs, AND she had lemon-yellow satin inside her ears. And when I opened the big box on Christmas wasn't her. I was devastated (for at least 15 minutes). But I got her the next year, which I thought was nothing short of a true Christmas miracle. :) I still have her...much the worse for love and wear (and my cousin Paul...LOL), but that's another story.

14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Honoring God and family, spending time with loved ones, doing my bit to make the holiday season nice for others however I can. :)

15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Um, did I mention Fran's cannoli? ;D Other than that, paintbrush cookies, almond crescent cookies, those horrible dry lumpy Italian cookies that I can't leave alone and are so fabulous with coffee, and, hmm...fudge. :D

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Sitting up late Christmas Eve, snuggling with DH on the couch by the light of the Christmas tree, listening to Christmas music, watching it snow...just being peaceful together.

17. What tops your tree? A silver star with a little light in the middle of it.

18. Which do you prefer: giving or receiving? Giving. I have no moral objection to receiving {g} but giving is so much more satisfying and I love feeling like a fairy godmother. :)

19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Carol of the Bells. My sisters and I learned it in choir in school and we sing different parts, so we love singing it together in harmony. (One of the big treats at our family get-togethers - LOL - for us, anyway.)

20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? Well...more of a "Eh". I might eat one little one and enjoy it, but that's it until next year. {g}

And now...TAG, Jo, you're it! And you too, Beth! :)

Okay, This is Fun :-)

Err, well, it *was* fun. I got about halfway through my *Tag!* post when the power went out and nuked it. It just came back on but I have to work in the morning and am going to hit the hay now.

I'll post it tomorrow night!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Trucking Along

Well, I broke my pattern for this novel and got about a thousand words written of a late-in-story section. And I was *so* going to do this in A-B-C order this time. Oh well, as they say, whatever works.

I was surprised to find out some things about a couple of characters today. One I thought was good is bad. And I finally got a picture of the personal nemesis of my heroine -- the whole dude, actually, as there was only sort of "the Dark Side" up to this point, with nobody but nameless henchmen. I think the bad-guys discussion on the forum birthed this one for me. [g] I also learned who is at the top of the food chain on the baddies' side.

All in all, a pretty productive day (night...morning...whatever, yeah, it's 4:26 in the morning; what an idiot I am!)


Accomplished one end scene, whole. :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Random Thoughts About Writing

My last thought before I sat down at the computer - fresh coffee in hand (no, in cup, actually) - arrived in sort of a bubble of giddiness: “Do you know how much I LOVE writing?” (Don't ask me whom I was thinking it to. [g])

It's one of a few select creative activities that I can totally immerse myself in: writing and painting (quasi-artistic, not house) foremost among them. I guess it's about making something from nothing. I bet God enjoys His work, likewise.

I can write and fiddle with my writing for hours on end, days on end, even, barely coming up for air or sustenance or human contact, though my family doesn't let me get away with it for long.

On one hand, this is a wondrous, transported state of being. I create; I am my creations – in the sense of experiencing all that they do, vicariously – and I love the work involved in trying to perfect the creation.

On the other hand, it works really well as a way to escape tending to the laundry, dishes, paperwork and other such less pleasant responsibilities demanded of someone running a household, which can create discontent within the family/community.

Why does there always have to be a price? Polarity? Consequences? Struggle?

Questions for the Ages, I suppose. But I'll continue to take it as it comes and deal with creating balance as I need to.

Because, seriously, do you know how much I LOVE writing? [S]

A little more fiddling with the current scene, prep for posting in exercises.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Weird Helps

I was reading over the current POV exercise at the forum and thinking I might participate this time. So I took a chunk out of a scene I'm working on, and pasted it into a new document to get it ready for the exercise.

Interesting thing happened. (Well, interesting to *me*, anyway.) I re-read that chunk before I started marking it up to post - and quite easily saw how to fix some clunky phrasings and sentence order problems. Interesting, because I didn't see how to fix them when they were sitting in the original document attached to the other 14,500 words.

So what was that weird mojo? Just that little bit of "white space"? Making an island of those words so that I *couldn't* write anything after or before, thus, not getting distracted by what I wanted to write next? I don't know, but whatever it was, it seems to have made the problems and their solutions pop right out at me. I liked that!

I think I'll file this under "Editing Tips".

Got a little more done on the same scene today.
The rest, same as it ever was...for the last few days, anyway. [g]

Just Tracking Today


Yesterday's Big Accomplishment:
Continued writing the scene where Kailia sets off on her own again.

Today's Target:
Continue writing scene (above).
Update reverse-outline. (Didn't get to that yet.)

On the Percolator:
Need to read MARU through from beginning so as not to lose the reins on the timetable before I go any further.
Also need to read through the western and start figuring out how to fill in the holes.

Monday, November 20, 2006


I get to go into work late tomorrow so I'm up late writing tonight. But not for much longer.

Not much of a post today, except to say that I'm grateful that the words are flowing again. Maybe not great words, but since SFD is what I'm after, they'll do. :)



Yesterday's Big Accomplishment:
Re-established my accountability log (tracking).
Began writing the scene where Kailia sets off on her own again.

Today's Target:
Continue writing scene (above).
Update reverse-outline. (Didn't get to that yet.)

On the Percolator:
Need to read MARU through from beginning so as not to lose the reins on the timetable before I go any further.
Also need to read through the western and start figuring out how to fill in the holes.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Getting Real, Getting Faces, Getting Going

I haven't written much in the last four days due to a boatload of migraines (gone now, thank God!).

Today, I split off my "story bible" from the mondo story file. It was getting too unwieldy. So now my total word count for the story is more accurate. I have about 1300 words in the bible, so those are now subtracted from my progress meter. This fantasy novel really needs one (a bible, that is) - foreign words and places and all are going to require an appendix, too, so, lots of material for a bible.

I did, though, finish something that's fun and kind of important to my forward progress. I've found "faces" for all my MCs (and some needed child and adult faces; Kailia needed three: child, adult, old).

This may seem strange, but I am very visual, and need photos to help me "see" my characters. What I do, after creating the characters and getting to know them, is to do web searches for actors/models/regular-people headshots. When I find one that really strikes me as "Character X", I copy and paste it into my story bible.

Sometimes, having the face even helps me flesh out the characters. Brakkus, for example, even as a child, has a section of hair two-inches wide that's white as snow. And there's a story behind that that I didn't know before I found his picture. [g]

Question: Anybody else do this picture thing, or am I the only weirdo?

Question: Do you use a "bible"? If so, what goes in yours? Enquiring minds want to know. [s]

I'm having a good month, compared to last, with over 2,000 additional words so far, so I want to keep the momentum going and aim for at least 5,000 by the end of the month. (I have some time off next week). I can tell since I haven't been doing my little TRACKING thingo at the end of my posts, that I have let myself slack quite a bit more, so I'm going to re-institute that starting today.


Yesterday's Big Accomplishment:
Discovered how and why Kailia is going to leave Falcon's place alone.

Today's Target:
Write the scene (above).
Update reverse-outline. (Don't worry, I know what I mean, and that's what's important. [g])

On the Percolator:
Need to read MARU through from beginning so as not to lose the reins on the timetable before I go any further.
Also need to read through the western and start figuring out how to fill in the holes.

Monday, November 06, 2006

If You Write It They Will Come...

Sometimes, writing really is just about taking that leap of faith that something will come of it if you just start. You may have to crash your way through paragraphs or pages of detritus to get to the core, the heart of what you're going for, but you will get there if you keep at it. (And remind me to re-read this next time I get stuck, k?)

After a lot of procrastinating, I finally opened up MARU yesterday evening -- with an attitude. In order to get myself out of my low word production slump, I decided to ignore everything but the last line of the furthest chapter and just step off from there (no matter what I stepped in). So I did. I wrote a pretty horrid couple of paragraphs, concluding with the following: [boy, does this suck]

That wasn't part of the storyline, just my commentary on what I'd typed. Looking at it again today...yeah. It really does suck. [g] But that's what rewrites are for. Anyway, the good thing is, a viable character was born in those crappy paragraphs.

I met the fourth and final member of the Maru. His name is Sebastion. Here's how it happened:

I asked myself, "So why is it bugging Kailia so much that they have to go back to Falcon's place?"

And I answered: "Well, the obvious reason is that it's in the opposite direction of her destination. And too, she envisions Bad Things happening with Grayce and Falcon under the same roof with her. But the further problem is that...they're...going to be late...they're going to...miss a rendezvous...with...Sebastion!"

So, there he was. After that sentence, I wrote: [WTF - Who is Sebastion???]

And I learned he is a bad-ass who wants no truck with any do-gooders. But they have to have his help.

Don't you just love complications? [eg]

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I Think I Can, I Think I Can...

So, October rather fell apart as far as writing goes. I don't think I topped 1000 words for the month. (OTOH, it's 1000 more than I wrote last October.)

So, on to November! I set a goal of 500 measly words a week. If I can't do *that* something is seriously wrong and I shall have to have a severe talk with myself, in addition to letting everyone call me a wannabee.

In the writing I did manage last month, one unexpected thing happened. Well, two things.

1) Jerlann became Jerlanna. Whoopdeedoo! But, the reason she got a mini-name change, is because 2) she is going to become more involved in the story and needs a nickname and I didn't want it to be Lann or Ann. Lanna seems nicer. If I am right, she's going to become one of the Maru. (And here I thought she was just going to be a bratty little sister we'd see the last of in chapter one.)

UNLESS...this is just one of those wild hares the Muse throws out across your path to see if you'll run after it...while she sits back and laughs and calls out, "Just kidding!"

We shall see...