Thursday, July 13, 2006

Confessions of an Apple Polisher

I confess. I am a writer, supposed to be creative, and still I "borrowed" a little for my blog name. It's from the first story I remember really identifying with while I was growing up: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, by James Thurbur. (The Mrs. refers to me, though, not Walter's Mrs.)

How could I help but identify with Walter? I have always been a daydreamer. One of Mom's few recurring bits of advice to me (however much I've ignored it - sorry Mom!) has been to "get your head out of the clouds".

It takes very little to set me off with a new story idea: dramatic music, an overheard conversation, spotting a person who seems out-of-place. (Ignoring new story ideas in order to stay on track with the one I'm currently working on is more my problem. After reading The Writer's Tale (Susan Adrian's blog) today, I begin to understand this is not an uncommon problem among writing types.)

So, back to the borrowing thing... I was going to feel a little guilty about "borrowing" (those 12 years of Catholic education weren't all for naught) but then after reading the Wikipedia entry about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, I decided not to. After all, if a little judicious borrowing was (perhaps) good enough for James Thurbur, it's good enough for me.

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