Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Fine Mess

No, I'm not talking about my office - although I sure could be. (Well, no, that's actually more of a disaster area.) It's my Western. Hoo-boy! Where to begin???

I did what I planned, which was to start looking it over and form a plan of attack for filling in the holes. But this is going to be a more gargantuan task than I anticipated. (Note to self: Go with linear writing for future WIPs!)

On just the first quick scan, without actually reading, we have a case here of The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. I'll enumerate them in reverse order so I can end on a positive note and feel some optimism as I close out the blog entry. {g}

#1: Since this is to be book one of three, I *really* need a Bible to keep track of all the details. The problem is, I have FOUR multi-page story Bibles, various parts of which contradict each other, and this is only including information from book one. ::rolling eyes at self:: As to why, don't ask 'cause I don't know how I managed that one. {g} Before I continue writing, these must be condensed into one coherent, non-contradictory Bible.

#2: My original chapter one and opening of chapter two are written from the POV of a character I've already decided to eliminate from book one except as a reference.

#3: I have to choose which ending I want to go with - the original or the longer one - which will impact the whole story arc. Either would be good, I think. One will make the book shorter and more typically a western romance and more like what I had in mind for the series when I first conceived it. The other ending will make it longer, more dramatic, and more of a saga, and perhaps more rewarding for the heroine and hero. I have to know my ending before I start plugging holes or that will be a futile exercise.

#4: I am having just a tinsy crisis of confidence: I wonder if I've bitten off more than I can chew with this story (though I am usually pretty good at telling that thought to beat it when it pops into my head). Since it's not strictly romance, or historical, or murder mystery, or paranormal, but has some of all of that, is it Just Too Much? (Or is it Just Too Much for a first novel?)

#5: I still like the story. Whew!

#6: I really like my characters, except for the baddies, and I really *don't* like them (as it should be).

So. All in all, I think I can do this. As I said, a lot more work to be done than I had thought, but now I have a more realistic idea of where it stands.



Unknown said...

Mrs Mitty,
I think this is all good news. You seem to have a very good idea of what you need to do to create your story to your vision. And that's a good thing!

Jennifer Hendren said...


I had to giggle at your note to self to write the next book in a linear fashion. (g) I _wish_ I could do that, but all of my attempts seem to fail. Looks like I'm a chunkster for life. I actually wrote By The Pale Moonlight in order for the first couple of weeks -- pretty impressive, really. But now I'm back to my old ways again. Oh well -- it was interesting while it lasted.

I wouldn't be too worried - as Sara said, it sounds like you know what needs to be done, and that's half the battle IMHO.

Mrs. Mitty said...

Dear Sara,

Ya think? It just seems such a big *mess* right now that it's a bit daunting. I guess I just need to break it down into bite-sized pieces and only look at one at a time. {s}

Mrs. Mitty said...

Dear Jen,

Yeah, well, we'll see if I can pull off that linear thing. MARU started out linear just because that was the way I was "getting it". But I got an irresistible late scene that I *had* to write when I figured out something about one of the MCs. After that, I went back to work at the place I jumped ahead from. I guess I'm just a hybrid, as far as writing style goes. But I'm at least going to *try* to stick with A-Z order, now that I see what a mess I can make with all chunks. {bg}

As for you, keep on doing what you're doing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! {s}

Thanks for your vote of confidence!