Sunday, September 24, 2006

Absentee Landlord Syndrome

That's what I feel like: an absentee landlord. I mean, why stake out a place for myself here and then neglect it?

Oh, yes, I remember. I had to go back to w*rk.

It's okay. In fact, it's really good this year. Makes a world of difference that I don't have the dreaded lunchroom monitor duty I had last year, and that I actually got some time before students came in to do some planning! What a concept!

My writing (other than the blog) also went by the wayside for these past few weeks while I adapted to my new schedule. I sort of knew that was going to happen; though I didn't really want to let it, I allowed it. But, bzzzzzt! Time's up. Slacking's over. Adjustment's made and writing is back on the agenda.

So, I'm off to take a last glance at my first five pages of the fantasy before I upload for critque. Wish me luck...I'll need it. [g]


Yesterday's Big Accomplishment:
Caught up on Books & Writers forum and started crits. [g]

Today's Target:
Fix the *!@* internet/router problem.
U/l pages to forum for critique.
Continue work on Chapter Two of TBOTM (fantasy novel).

On the Percolator:
What happens at Falcon's place in TBOTM?